The Boot Camp for Books


If you have a work-in-progress . . . 

  • You make an initial submission of up to 10 pages (ideally the opening part) from your work

  • I read your submission, then send you an A4 page of notes, plus comments in the MS

  • I’ll also suggest readings or exercises that may help at your stage of the project

  • We have a 20-minute Zoom call to answer queries and set specific goals

  • You resubmit up to 10 pages, either a) new material or b) reworked material, each week for the duration of the programme

  • I respond to each submission with comments / readings / exercises / cheerleading

  • At the end of our programme, we have a 20-minute Zoom call to set your continuing goals.


If you need a push to get started . . .

  • You make an initial submission of around 10 pages of a synopsis / plan / prose

  • I read and send an A4 page of notes

  • I’ll also suggest readings or exercises that may help at your stage of the project

  • We have a 20-minute Zoom call to set goals to start you writing

  • You submit up to 10 pages of prose (not a synopsis or plan — I’d like you to start writing) each week for the duration of the programme

  • I respond to each submission with comments / readings / exercises / cheerleading

  • At the end of our programme, we have a 20-minute Zoom call to set continuing goals.


The duration of the programme is either:

  • 5 weeks (five x submissions + 2 calls) = £250

  • 10 weeks (ten x submissions + 4 calls) = £475

Have a question?

Drop me a line via the contact page, and I’m happy to discuss any queries.



I had never been on a writing course before and it’s added a whole new dimension to my life. I came away feeling inspired to become a good writer and feeling that I may have something to offer. You made everything seem so accessible.
[Jo] gave praise and constructive feedback in a highly appreciative way. Everyone I spoke to came out of tutorials invigorated and positive.
The support has helped me find that self-belief ... and my voice.
— Feedback from writers at Arvon Foundation